Leaving a Legacy

Supporting RCSEd: Leaving a Gift to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Since its foundation, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has benefited enormously from the generosity of Members and friends who have generously left gifts to the College in their Wills.

Most bequests are given for the general purposes of the College, which will allow application of the funds as needed in the future. However, these gifts can be made for a specific purpose (e.g. naming and endowing a scholarship, fellowship or bursary fund). If you wish to leave a gift to the College for a particular purpose, please contact the Development Director to discuss your wishes.

We particularly welcome gifts of the residue or specified proportion of an estate, as the value of this type of bequest is unaffected by inflation.

Please be assured that no gift is too small and what you give will help shape the future of RCSEd and its continued commitment to excellence.

A gift made directly to RCSEd should be worded in your Will as follows:

"I give to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (£X / X% of my estate) free of tax, such to be applied to the general purposes of the College towards the promotion of its object, and I direct that the receipt of the President or other authorised officer for the time being of the College shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my executors for the payment of the aforesaid legacy."

For further information, please download our Legacy Brochure

We strongly recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or changing your will.

To inform us of your intentions, please contact the Development Director Michael Stitt at development@rcsed.ac.uk.



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