The MFDS Exam

The Diploma of Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS) of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is a long established quality assured assessment. The MFDS is an internationally recognised dental qualification which demonstrates completion of foundation/basic postgraduate dental training. It enables dental graduates to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and clinical competence that will have been obtained during Dental Foundation Training. It marks a level of achievement above and beyond the primary dental qualification and clearly exhibits an early commitment to professional development. For those aspiring to enter specialty training, it will also provide a significant contribution to the portfolio of evidence that would be required to indicate suitable eligibility.

Founded in 1505, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is one of the oldest and largest of the surgical and dental colleges in the world. By choosing to sit your MFDS examination Part 2 with us, you will be joining our membership network of approximately 25,000 professionals in over 100 countries worldwide. As well as joining a College renowned for its friendliness and approachability, the College offers a wide range of membership services to support you through every step in your career and professional development.

Supporting You through MFDS and Beyond

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh offers the examination at a variety of locations throughout the UK and internationally. The examination is made up of two parts, Part 1 and Part 2.

MFDS Part 1

Part 1 of the MFDS is a written examination testing the range of knowledge and understanding that underpins direct patient care. It is a three hour examination consisting of Multiple Choice Questions, with a mix of Single Best Answer and Case Cluster Types. This question paper is designed to test your knowledge and the deeper understanding and application of that knowledge in a clinical context.

MFDS Part 2

Part 2 of the MFDS is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), designed to test your clinical competence by assessing your communication skills and your knowledge, understanding and management of a range of common conditions. The examination normally lasts around two hours, and consists of 10 stations which are examined plus a number of rest stations.

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